Special Regime Agency of Integral Water Cycle of Retortillo River

Partner skills

Manages a 15 cities hydraulic system with 1,410 km urban pipes for water supply and sanitation. Floods have caused human and material losses periodically, and thus Networks Planning has become a key department that exceeds commercial commitments and intervenes more and more in matters of security.

Role in the projetc

Will host Pilots 1 and 2 assuming sensors deployment, their open data integration in the Rivers Basin System (inter-administrative cooperation), and the elaboration of part of 3D cartography. 4 cities of its hydraulic system will serve as pilot tests for Models and Local Flood Risk Management Plans.


Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible

Regional Ministry Of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development

Partner skills

The Ministry of Environment is the highest Authority in the Management of the interior Hydrographic Basins of Andalusia, responsible for the Hydraulic Public Domain, Flood Prevention, Environmental Information. Is in charge of Land Use Planning and Regional Policies in the biggest EU region.

Role in the projetc

Intense participation in Work Packages 4,5,6: Specifically in Pilots 1 and
2, and in the development of Policy Papers that will contribute to Directive 2007/60 EC and that will promote the exchange of experiences and tools of Territorial Planning and Floods Prevention floods between the AA regions.



Algarve Region Public Water Company

Partner skills

Supply drinking water to 15 municipalities and 420.000 inhabitants (1’5M in summer), managing a network of reservoirs, pumping stations, water pipes and sanitation networks. Owner and manager of Odelouca reservoir, is a relevant stakeholder in Security and Flood Emergency Response at Regional level.

Role in the projetc

Will lead Work Package 6 and Pilot 3, which will update the Odelouca River Flood Risk Management Plan and develop a new Reservoir Water Discharge protocol applicable to all AA, with enhanced coordination procedures with Emergency Response actors and with a methodology for modeling water discharges.



Partner skills

British Red Cross provide an auxiliary role for Government during emergencies and provide the project with vast experience in regards to emergency planning and crisis response whilst also specialising in providing training in regards to increasing community resilience to flooding and aiding recovery.

Role in the projetc

British Red Cross will assist partners with a range of activities that ultimately seek to improve local flood policies and risk prevention protocols, the ability of partners to increase community resilience whilst also improving assistance and recovery if flooding does occur.



Partner skills

Infrastructure design, assessment, and lifecycle performance optimization. Structural health monitoring and risk and resilience analysis of critical infrastructure. Cross asset maintenance optimization, stochastic modelling of engineering systems and structural health monitoring.

Role in the projetc

Risk and Resilience assessment in Local Action Plans.

Quantitative / Qualitative estimation and improvement of Local Communities Societal and Economic resilience. Cost Benefit Analisys to rank alternative strategies considering technical, environmental, social, economic criteria. Recovery.




Bóreas Development and Technology

Partner skills

Bóreas team have more than 20 years of experience in Environmental and Territorial Analysis supported by GIS, in Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Urban Management Projects, and in the development of Public Policies and evaluation of Hydraulic Policies for different Administrations.

Role in the projetc

Will provide technical support to P1, P2, P3 in Pilots implementation, contributing its expertise in Environmental and Territorial Analysis for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling in Work Packages 4 (Prevention), 5 (Early Warning) and 6 (Crisis Management). Will also contribute with its experience in assessment and design of Public Policies to Actions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.5.



University of Corunna

Partner skills

University of Corunna has been managing R&D European and International Projects since 1993.

The institution has proven its ability as well as its technical and financial solvency to coordinate or develop projects in its several areas of expertise.

Role in the projetc

In charge of flood risk analysis due to river and pluvial flooding in several river reaches and urban districts, through the involvement of the Researching Group of Water and Environmental Engineering GEAMA (School of Civil Engineering)



Partner skills

Rivers Trust works to protect, promote and enhance freshwater ecosystems for
both people and wildlife. Specialist skills include planning and delivery of integrated catchment management, Water Framework Directive, Natural Flood Risk Management, Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes, monitoring and evaluation.

Role in the projetc

Share technical knowledge and expertise both in planning and delivery of cost effective catchment Flood Risk Management: innovative techniques, integrated action engaging local community stakeholders and civil society groups. Will disseminate projects results and practice with end user groups.



Nantes University

Partner skills

Nantes University is specialized on reliability of systems submitted to environmental hazard, the support to Decision-making based on uncertain monitoring results, and in developing Probabilistic modelling affected by spatial variability. Key issues on Flood Prevention and defence infrastructures assessment.

Role in the projetc

Will act jointly with P6 and P7 in the hydrological and hydraulics modelling of Pilots 1 and 2, contributing their expertise and technical means to the calculation of uncertainty in sensors to be deployed (to assess their margin of error) and to the modelling of the spatial variability of hazards.