AA-FLOODS spin-off funded with € 4M

The FLUBIOGENIL project, led by Écija, one of AA-FLOODS pilot cities, has obtained €3.8M in Next Generation financing, which together with municipal financing will represent €3.99M to develop Nature-Based Solutions for actions on flood risk mitigation and prevention, fluvial ecosystems recovery and fluvial restoration in the Genil River. The project has been prepared for the ...

AA-FLOODS spin-off funded with € 4M

Transport infrastructure damaged by floods has a detrimental impact on recovery – the Irish experience

To plan, prevent, prepare, protect and recover after a hazard such as a flood, a thorough understanding of the impact such an occurrence might have at various levels is required. There is no doubt that floods are the amongst the most common and widespread natural disasters. Flooding may have considerable impacts on people and society, ...

Transport infrastructure damaged by floods has a detrimental impact on recovery – the Irish experience

Let’s take action now before it’s too late!

National and regional governments, local authorities and communities, water corporations, and scientists must collaborate urgently to enhance flood prevention, warning, coordination, and emergency management tools at the local level in disaster risk reduction programs. The necessity for immediate action became obvious following the flooding events that occurred around the world in 2021. Many people worldwide ...

Let’s take action now before it’s too late!

Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data

The scientific journal Nature has recently published an article under the title Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data[1]. In it, a team of researchers – Boyeong Hong, Bartosz J. Bonczak, Arpit Gupta & Constantine E. Kontokosta – have developed a generalizable method that uses large-scale Smartphone geolocation data to ...

Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data

Floods and slides in Indonesia and Timor: displaced peopel as a result of natural disasters

Indonesia has suffered 1.030 natural disasters so far in 2021, including earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires and tornadoes, which, not counting the victims of the lates floods, caused 282 deaths. Landslides and flash floods are frequent in the Indonesian archipelago, especially in the rainy season.  Environmental defenders claim that deforestation favors these catastrophes. The National Disaster ...

Floods and slides in Indonesia and Timor: displaced peopel as a result of natural disasters

Reflecting on French Flood Policy in the Pays de la Loire Region

In the French Pays de la Loire region, where AA-Floods partner Université de Nantes is located, heavy rains in early- to mid-February caused flooding or evacuations due to flood risk in the towns of Ancenis, Rochefort-sur-Loire, several towns in the Vendée department, and towns in the wetlands southwest of Nantes, among others. Warnings issued on ...

Reflecting on French Flood Policy in the Pays de la Loire Region

The MaxEnt Methodology in Generating Multiple Hazard Maps for Floods

The article Evaluation of multi-hazard map produced using MaxEnt machine learning technique, published las March in the journal Nature, proposes the elaboration of maps of multiple hazards from the use of the MaxEnt* methodology (Maximum Entropy) for the identification of areas sensitive to large-scale hazards. As explained in the Nature article: “Maximum entropy has been ...

The MaxEnt Methodology in Generating Multiple Hazard Maps for Floods

VIRTUAL REALITY, an effective pedagogical tool to inform and sensitize citizens about floods

The new technological resources that we have available on our mobile devices, especially virtual reality and augmented reality, allow us to disseminate relevant and useful information to a greater number of recipients, and to raise awareness on topics of general and particular interest. Accessibility to that information is key: The channel used and how it ...

VIRTUAL REALITY, an effective pedagogical tool to inform and sensitize citizens about floods

2019-2020 UK Flooding – An overview

Between November 2019 and February 2020, severe winter flooding occurred across the United Kingdom. Following the first wave in November, isolated incidents were reported in December and January, before the second main wave of flooding, caused by Storms Ciara and Dennis, occurred in February 2020, exacerbated by already very wet antecedent conditions. February rainfall was the highest since records began, in ...

2019-2020 UK Flooding – An overview